
What is Kite Woch?

Kite Woch is the Creole word for ‘stepping stones’ (pronounced kee-tay woosh). It is our vision to provide children with the support needed to help them walk their individual path one stepping stone at a time. Following a visit to an orphanage, “The Jesus Home for Children of La Gonave” in Haiti, in February 2012, it was clear that a critical need was present for the children; specifically, the provision of an environment that would support their overall developmental growth in the following capacities: cognitive development; social/emotional development; fine/gross motor development; and communication.

The basic needs for a child’s development are food and shelter; which are presently being provided with the assistance of the organization, Okipe. As you know however, food and shelter are only the base needs for a child to thrive.
Kite Woch will be offering the following services at the orphanage:

1. An intensive afternoon program that will target the children’s development through play and interaction as an adjunct to their present education.

2. Two Haitian staff will be hired to implement this program.

3. If available, an overseer of this program from Saint John, NB will reside in Haiti for a few months.

4. When the orphanage village is operational, the staff from each house will be taught the principles and strategies for promoting a child’s development through natural everyday interactions.

5. Twice per year, a team from Saint John, NB will complement the ‘ground team’. If this is a passion that you embrace, we would appreciate your financial support. If however, a contribution is not possible at this time; your prayers would also be appreciated. We strongly believe in a team effort. Some team players have the desire to be ‘on site’; whereas other team players prefer to provide financial support; and others-prayer support. 

Overall, as a team, we are passionate about changing one life at a time by supporting a child’s journey through life as they take one step at a time.

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